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Color Theme


For both developing and using a theme on Xplorer, you should have Xplorer's CLI Installed.

Install Xplorer CLI on Windows

Firstly, you have to register the command into the system path.

  1. Open the System Properties on Windows.
  2. Click the Environment Variables button, it will pop up a window.
  3. On the table, search for Path variable and click on it.
  4. Click the Edit button, it will pop up a window.
  5. Click the New button
  6. Add %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Programs\xplorer

Writing Theme#

Xplorer use yeoman as a generator to generate a color theme template, the generator should generates a package.json and a JavaScript file containing a color scheme template (It's light theme's color scheme as default).

Get Started#

To get started, you have to install yeoman globally, you can do this by running the following command:

npm i -g yo

After installing yeoman, you can start generating Xplorer theme by running the following command:

yo xplorer-theme
generator-xplorer-theme is under development, to use it now, you have to clone the Xplorer repository and run yarn link inside the packages/generator-xplorer-theme directory. :::

The command will create package.json and a JavaScript file containing your color scheme.

File Structure#

The JavaScript file should export a function as exports.default, the function should return the object of your theme's color scheme.


You can start developing Xplorer theme by running yarn start command. Before starting the development process, please change your App Theme to the system default (for some reasons it's buggy if you don't set it into system default)


To flash your color theme into Xplorer, you can simply run yarn build command.

Using Theme#

To use a color scheme developed by others, you have to get the code locally, this can be done by cloning their repository, etc.

Flashing color theme into Xplorer#

To flash a color theme into Xplorer, you can simply run yarn build in the project root.


Examples of custom color theme are available here.

Common Question#

Why don't you just develop a marketplace so user can easily share their theme with others?

I can't afford to buy a server for developing marketplace xD, but will consider it in the future, if you want to sponsor/offer it, feel free to contact me