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Копировать файлы#

You can copy files by right-clicking it and click the Copy option or select the file then press Ctrl + C as a shortcut and paste it by clicking the Paste option or press Ctrl + V on the destination folder.


On Windows and macOS, Xplorer will copy the file paths into the local clipboard, because of this, you can copy a file from Xplorer and paste it into any folder in another system. However, on Linux, we create a string of Xplorer commands and copy it into the user clipboard, Xplorer will read the user's clipboard when pasting the file (because we haven't found any idea to implement it, feel free to open a PR if you can help us). The string of the Xplorer command looks like this:

Xplorer command - COPY~/xplorer~/test

Скопировать путь#

You can copy a file/folder location path into your clipboard by right-clicking it and click Copy Location Path or select the file then press Alt + Shift + C as a shortcut.

Вырезать файлы#

You can cut files by right-clicking it and click the Cut option or select the file then press Ctrl + X as a shortcut and paste it by clicking the Paste option or press Ctrl + V on the destination folder.

This is done by creating a string of Xplorer command and copies it into the user clipboard to be used when pasting file (this is not integrated with the platform because we haven't found any idea, feel free to open a PR if you can help us.). The string of Xplorer command looks like this:
Xplorer command - CUTE://xplorerE://test

Удаление файлов#

You can cut files by right-clicking it and click the Delete option or select the file then press Del as a shortcut. The trashed file can be accessed at xplorer://Trash.

  • On Windows, this is done by creating a Trash folder on the C: drive and moving the file into it.
  • On Linux, this feature is fully integrated with the system.
  • В MacOS это делается путем создания папки .local/Trash в homedir и перемещения в неё файла.

We are still working on Windows on macOS to integrate the Trash folder, which will be released before the stable version came out. Feel free to open a PR if you can help us.

Удалить безвозвратно#

A permanently deleted file cannot be restored. Пожалуйста, проверьте ещё раз перед тем, как удалить файл.

Вы можете навсегда удалить файл следующими способами:

  1. Delete it into Trash and right-clicking it and click the Permanent Delete option
  2. Select the file and press Shift + Del as a shortcut


Будьте осторожны с именем файла/папки Xplorer обрабатывает / в имени файла или папки как подпапку/подфайл :::


You can create a new file by right-clicking the workspace, expand the New option and select the file option, or press Alt + N as a shortcut.


You can create a new folder by right-clicking the workspace, expand the New option and select the folder option, or press Shift + N as a shortcut.

Открыть файл#

You can open a file on the default application by double-clicking it or select the file then press Enter as a shortcut.

Открыть в терминале#

This is a built-in function by Xplorer. You can open a folder on Terminal by right-clicking it and click the Open in terminal option or select the folder then press Alt + T as a shortcut.

Открыть в VS Code#

This is a built-in function by Xplorer. You can open a file/folder on VSCode by right-clicking it and click the Open in vscode option or select the file then press Ctrl + Enter as a shortcut. Вы не сможете это сделать, если у вас не установлен VS Code.

Закрепить в боковой панели#

You can pin a file/folder into the sidebar by right-clicking it and click Pin to Sidebar or select the file then press Alt + P as a shortcut.

Предпросмотр файла#

You can preview a file directly from Xplorer by right-clicking it and click the Preview option or select the file then press Ctrl+O.

Предпросмотр демо

Файлы, доступные для предварительного просмотра:
[    ".pdf",    ".html",    ".docx",    ".htm",    ".xlsx",    ".xls",    ".xlsb",    "xls",    ".ods",    ".fods",    ".csv",    ".txt",    ".py",    ".js",    ".bat",    ".css",    ".c++",    ".cpp",    ".cc",    ".c",    ".diff",    ".patch",    ".go",    ".java",    ".json",    ".php",    ".ts",    ".tsx",    ".jsx",    ".jpg",    ".png",    ".gif",    ".bmp",    ".jpeg",    ".jpe",    ".jif",    ".jfif",    ".jfi",    ".webp",    ".tiff",    ".tif",    ".ico",    ".svg",    ".webp",    ".mp4",    ".webm",    ".mpg",    ".mp2",    ".mpeg",    ".mpe",    ".mpv",    ".ocg",    ".m4p",    ".m4v",    ".avi",    ".wmv",    ".mov",    ".qt",    ".flv",    ".swf",    ".md"]



You can view properties of a file/folder by right-clicking it and click Properties or select the file then press Ctrl + P as a shortcut. На данный момент доступны следующие свойства (список дополнится в будущих версиях):

  • Размер
  • Путь к файлу
  • Дата создания
  • Accessed At
  • Дата изменения
  • Скрыто или нет

Переименовать файл/папку#

You can rename a file/folder by right-clicking it and click the Rename option or select the file then press F2 as a shortcut. Появится диалоговое окно. Введите новое имя файла/папки, которую хотите переименовать.